Art Basel's 10th Anniversary
What does it mean? Art Basel Miami has become an epic fixture in the art world! YAY!!
A few of my favorite finds this year:
I can't help but think little bit about Warhol's famous line about the best art being good business. Aritist Paulo Nazareth took a stand (no pun intended) with his his Banana Market/Art Market at the booth of Sao Paulo gallery Mendes Wood. With a sign around his neck reading, "My Image of Exotic Man for Sale". Commentary on supply and demand? I don't know, all I could think of was tally man! tally my banana....
Richard Jackson complementary colors face to face (red/green) Hauser&Wirth
I finally have figured out why I love Jackson's sculptures. Besides the fact that they make me laugh, he's a neo dadist! There's a total disorder to his work outlining a process. They just hit me right.
another Smile inducing piece. What does it mean? More to come Stay tuned!