Friday, April 30, 2010

Derby Days & The Art of Millinery

The Kentucky Derby is this weekend! For those of you who have not had the opportunity to attend this extravaganza, it is definitely an experience everyone should have in their lifetime.
The people watching in itself is ART. But what we really love are THE HATS.

Whether you sip mint julips in the Grandstand . . .

Or attempt to survive flying beer cans in the infield (it is possible - learned from personal experience) . . .

This incredible tradition of millinery is kept alive through the Kentucky Derby.
But in today's society, where else can you find this ARTform?
British royalty continue to represent the lady-like fashion.

As does the American Queen . . . Ms. Aretha.

Then there are the eccentrics . . .

and of course, there are the ladies of Derby.

We also found artist Kim Frohsin inspired by the drama of this lost accessory.

Why don't we all wear hats more often and express this lost ART!?

This weekend, regardless if you are in Louisville, Los Angeles or Lincoln, Nebraska - grab this timeless feminine adornment and wear it proud. Maybe it's a way we can all have our own personal Grandstand whenever we need it.

Hats off to all the the "real ladies" out there . . . wherever you are!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Migration: Wildlife Invades The World

Spring is here and that means wildlife is back; returning from warm weather vacations or waking up from long winter hibernation. We love this season of wildlife and the artwork it inspires.
One piece in particluar that we are crazy about is Doug Aitken's video art "Migration." It explores a surreal role reversal between wildlife and domesticated life, where animals are viewed in a human-made wilderness.
In “Migration,” the movements of wild migratory animals in North America are transposed in the ubiquitous spaces of modern roadside hotels and motels.
As the wild birds and animals inhabit these mysteriously vacant and sterile interiors, we are taken on a haunting odyssey through the contemporary American landscape.

The video is peculiar, poignant and (definitely) amazing.

We had to point out one of our favorite stills from the video.
Housekeeping's worst nightmare!
Our dream? To have Doug's next project be an exploration of wolves in art. He can start by using our Denver gallery for the video!

In the meantime, we thought having an art show celebrating wolves at our Denver gallery would be another incredible way to share the inspiration of wildlife in art.
We are so excited and grateful to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for partnering with us for the exhibition "Howl." This Thursday evening, April 22 (the 40th anniversary of Earth Day!) we will explore the life and habitat of the wolf through the eyes of some of the West's most acclaimed artists. Along with supporting NRDC's work on behalf of wolves, we hope to show the beauty and vital importance of wolves in the Northern Rockies.
For more information click HERE or contact us at